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Metric Bolts - Minimum Ultimate Tensile and Proof Loads

Minimum ultimate tensile and proof loads for metric bolts with coarse or fine threads.

Bolt Metric Thread

Metric Bolts - Coarse Threads

Minimum Ultimate Tensile Load

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Metric Bolts - Coarse Threads - Minimum Ultimate Tensile Loads
Nominal Stress Area
Property Class
Minimum Ultimate Tensile Load - Fm,min (N)
M3 0.50 5.03 2010 2110 2510 2620 3020 4020 4530 5230 6140
M3.5 0.60 6.78 2710 2850 3390 3530 4070 5420 6100 7050 8270
M4 0.70 8.78 3510 3690 4390 4570 5270 7020 7900 9130 10700
M5 0.80 14.2 5680 5960 7100 7380 8520 11350 12800 14800 17300
M6 1.00 20.1 8040 8440 10000 10400 12100 16100 18100 20900 24500
M7 1.00 28.9 11600 12100 14400 15000 17300 23100 26000 30100 35300
M8 1.25 36.6 14600 15400 18300 19000 22000 29200 32900 38100 44600
M10 1.50 58.0 23200 24400 29000 30200 34800 46400 52200 60300 70800
M12 1.75 84.3 33700 35400 42200 43800 50600 67400d) 75200 87700 103000
M14 2.00 115 46000 48300 57500 59800 69000 92000d) 104000 120000 140000
M16 2.00 157 62800 65900 78500 81600 94000 125000d) 141000 163000 192000
M18 2.50 192 76800 80600 96000 99800 115000 159000 200000 234000
M20 2.50 245 98000 103000 122000 127000 147000 203000 250000 299000
M22 2.50 303 121000 127000 152000 158000 182000 252000 315000 370000
M24 3.00 353 141000 148000 176000 184000 212000 293000 367000 431000
M27 3.00 459 184000 193000 230000 239000 275000 381000 477000 560000
M30 3.50 561 224000 236000 280000 292000 337000 466000 583000 684000
M33 3.50 694 278000 292000 347000 361000 416000 576000 722000 847000
M36 4.00 817 327000 343000 408000 425000 490000 678000 850000 997000
M39 4.00 976 390000 410000 488000 508000 586000 810000 1020000 1200000

d) For structural bolting: 70000 N (M12), 95500 N (M14) and 130000 N (M16)

Proof Load

Proof load is defined as the maximum tensile force that can be applied to a bolt that will not result in plastic deformation. A material must remain in its elastic region when loaded up to its proof load typically between 85-95% of the yield strength. Acceptable clamp load is typically 75% of proof load.

For full table with more Property Classes - rotate the screen!

Metric Bolts - Coarse Threads - Proof Loads
Nominal Stress Area
Property Class
Proof Load - Fp (N)
M3 0.50 5.03 1130 1560 1410 1910 2210 2920 3270 4180 4880
M3.5 0.60 6.78 1530 2100 1900 2580 2980 3940 4410 5630 6580
M4 0.70 8.78 1980 2770 2460 3340 3860 5100 5710 7290 8520
M5 0.80 14.2 3200 4400 3980 5400 6250 8230 9230 11800 13800
M6 1.00 20.1 4520 6230 5630 7640 8840 11600 13100 16700 19500
M7 1.00 28.9 6500 8920 8090 11000 12700 16800 18800 24000 28000
M8 1.25 36.6 8240 11400 10200 13900 16100 21200 23800 30400 35500
M10 1.50 58.0 13000 18000 16200 22000 25500 33700 37700 48100 56300
M12 1.75 84.3 19000 26100 23600 32000 37100 48900d) 54800 70000 81800
M14 2.00 115 25900 35600 32200 43700 50600 66700d) 74800 95500 112000
M16 2.00 157 35300 48700 44000 59700 69100 91000d) 102000 130000 152000
M18 2.50 192 43200 59500 53800 73000 84500 115000 159000 186000
M20 2.50 245 55100 76000 68600 93100 108000 147000 203000 238000
M22 2.50 303 68200 93900 84800 115000 133000 182000 252000 294000
M24 3.00 353 79400 109000 98800 134000 155000 212000 293000 342000
M27 3.00 459 103000 142000 128000 174000 202000 275000 381000 445000
M30 3.50 561 126000 174000 157000 213000 247000 337000 466000 544000
M33 3.50 694 156000 215000 194000 264000 305000 416000 570000 673000
M36 4.00 817 184000 253000 229000 310000 359000 490000 678000 792000
M39 4.00 976 220000 303000 273000 371000 429000 586000 810000 947000

d) For structural bolting: 50700 N (M12), 68800 N (M14) and 94500 N (M16)

  • 1 mm = 0.039 in
  • 1 mm2 = 0.00155 in2
  • 1 N = 0.1020 kgf = 0.2248 lbf

Metric Bolts - Proof Loads

Metric Bolts - Fine Threads

Minimum Ultimate Tensile Load

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Metric Bolts - Fine Threads - Minimum Ultimate Tensile Loads
Nominal Stress Area
Property Class
Minimum Ultimate Tensile Load - Fm,min (N)
M8 1.00 39.2 15700 16500 19600 20400 23500 31360 35300 40800 47800
M10 1.25 61.2 24500 25700 30600 31800 36700 49000 55100 63600 74700
M10 1.00 64.5 25800 27100 32300 33500 38700 51600 58100 67100 78700
M12 1.50 88.1 35200 37000 44100 45800 52900 70500 79300 91600 107000
M12 1.25 92.1 36800 38700 46100 47900 55300 73700 82900 95800 112000
M14 1.50 125 50000 52500 62500 65000 75000 100000 112000 130000 152000
M16 1.50 167 66800 70100 83500 86800 100000 134000 150000 174000 204000
M18 1.50 216 86400 90700 108000 112000 130000 179000 225000 264000
M20 1.50 272 109000 114000 136000 141000 163000 226000 283000 332000
M22 1.50 333 133000 140000 166000 173000 200000 276000 346000 406000
M24 2.00 384 154000 161000 192000 200000 230000 319000 399000 469000
M27 2.00 496 198000 208000 248000 258000 298000 412000 516000 605000
M30 2.00 621 248000 261000 310000 323000 373000 515000 646000 758000
M33 2.00 761 304000 320000 380000 396000 457000 632000 791000 928000
M36 3.00 865 346000 363000 432000 450000 519000 718000 900000 1055000
M39 3.00 1030 412000 433000 515000 536000 618000 855000 1070000 1260000

Proof Load

For full table with more Property Classes - rotate the screen!

Metric Bolts - Fine Threads - Proof Loads
Nominal Stress Area
Property Class
Proof Load - Fp (N)
M8 1.00 39.2 8820 12200 11000 14900 17200 22700 25500 32500 38000
M10 1.25 61.2 13800 19000 17100 23300 26900 33500 39800 50800 59400
M10 1.00 64.5 14500 20000 18100 24500 28400 37400 41900 53500 62700
M12 1.50 88.1 19800 27300 24700 33500 38800 51100 57300 73100 85500
M12 1.25 92.1 20700 28600 25800 35000 40500 53400 59900 76300 89300
M14 1.50 125 28100 38800 35000 47500 55000 72500 81200 104000 121000
M16 1.50 167 27600 51800 46800 63500 73500 96900 109000 139000 162000
M18 1.50 216 48600 67000 60500 82100 95000 130000 179000 210000
M20 1.50 272 61200 84300 76200 103000 120000 163000 226000 264000
M22 1.50 333 74900 103000 93200 126000 146000 200000 276000 323000
M24 2.00 384 86400 119000 108000 146000 169000 230000 319000 372000
M27 2.00 496 112000 154000 139000 188000 218000 298000 412000 481000
M30 2.00 621 140000 192000 171000 236000 273000 373000 515000 602000
M33 2.00 761 171000 236000 213000 289000 335000 457000 632000 738000
M36 3.00 865 195000 268000 242000 329000 381000 519000 718000 838000
M39 3.00 1030 232000 319000 288000 391000 453000 618000 Proof Load 855000 999000

Ultimate Tensile and Proof loads for metric bolts according ISO 898-1 "Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes — Coarse thread and fine pitch thread".

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