The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Was Cleopatra Black? We’re asking the wrong question.

Experts say critics of the Netflix docudrama’s Cleopatra are anachronistically applying modern racial constructs to an ancient civilization

Adele James in “Queen Cleopatra.” (Netflix)
8 min

When it comes to Cleopatra, the enigmatic ruler whose political savvy — and romantic entanglements — have made her an endless source of fascination, Hollywood has never gotten it right.

Elizabeth Taylor’s 1963 portrayal — for which she donned a braided wig and winged eyeliner — is as iconic as it was flawed. Angelina Jolie’s potential casting in a long rumored but yet to be filmed biopic was met with backlash in 2019, as were subsequent rumors that Israeli actress Gal Gadot would take on the role. The consensus? Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile (as in Egypt, as in Africa), didn’t look like any of them.