Gif Tutorial


How to make this:

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You’ll need:

  • Photoshop
  • To know how to make gifs
  • To download this video and make it into a gif (make the gif as large as the video is and then you can resize it later)

If you have any questions you can ask them on here!

First, you need to make the two gifs that you want and make sure that these gifs and the gif of the ink spill video all have the same number of frames. Try not to have too many frames or it’ll be too big (for the ink gif, screencap it every four frames or it’ll be too long) These are the ones that I’m using, they’re 500x586px


If you extended the canvas and colored in the top of the gif like I did, you need to duplicate the layer that you colored so you have the same amount of that layer as you do frames. So my gif has a layer that I colored like this:


And my gif has 23 frames, so I duplicated that Layer 1 until I had 23 of them.This goes for any kind of texture or text that you put on the gif. I know this is really confusing so if you don’t get it, don’t hesitate to ask.

Then, choose the gif that you want to be on top, select all the frames, and then copy frames


Then go to your second gif, select all frames, and then paste frames and select paste over frames


Then do the same with your ink gif. Copy and paste the frames over the selection. If you need to resize it to be smaller now is the time to do so. 

So at this point, you should have your bottom gif, your top gif with all the duplicated layers on top of that, and then the ink gif on top of all of it


Now, we’re gonna start to slowly erase out parts of the gif, frame by frame, to create the ink transition. 


As you can see, the first frame doesn’t have any ink in it, so we’re going to skip that one and start on frame 2. Select both the frame 2 and layer 2 of the ink gif, and using the quick selection tool, select all the white so that it looks like this


Then, turn off the visibility of the ink layer so we have this


Then go to your top gif layers, and select the layer 2 (since this is the second frame) and click layer mask 


and you should end up with this


Now make sure when you are doing this, that you have the right frames and layers selected. Frame 2 goes with layer 2, frame 3 goes with layer 3, and so on. 

Then you just keep doing this with every frame. Make the ink gif visible again, and start the process over with frame three. So again, have the third frame, and the third layer of the ink selected, and with the quick selection tool, select all the white. Turn off the visibility of the ink gif, and then go to the third layer of the top gif, and hit layer mask. Then you just keep doing this until you’ve done all the frames. 

Now remember those 23 frames that we duplicated? Well, we have to erase those individually too. But before we do that, we need to make sure that each layer is only visible on the corresponding frame (that’s why we needed 23). So frame 1 should only have the first layer visible, frame 2 should only have the second layer visible, and so on. Then you can go to each layer and do the layer masks. 

Again, if you have text, you do the same thing and make sure there is an individual text layer for each frame. 

Then you color and sharpen as you normally would and tada


Again, I know this was probably really confusing so feel free to ask me any questions here!

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