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the children's block from
... children block the driver's sight by walking near him, running in the aisles, kneeling on the seats to talk to their friends, or standing on the seats. These things would not happen if the bus had seat belts. Parents have to worry about ...
the children's block from
... children's block at Austin Hospital and In building a residen- trlal nursery and school planned by the Blind Institute for Box Hill. Hansard, Hansard, of the largest single issues of the Victorian Parliamentary Hansard •Lldriiocil U was ...
the children's block from
... block 'in th* centre, tha maternity block to the west, and, the- children's -block to the east, all linked up by a main through communicating corridor which runs from end to end. Tbo laundry and boiler-house block is detached and ...
the children's block from
1CTCD THFID AFTER THEIR BOOKS. School Children Block the Sidewalk. School Children Block the Sidewalk. Tuesday u sday was a red letter day for the book k dealers. The public schools opened Tuesday uesday morning and after the pupils were ...
the children's block from
Prime Minister to Open KZ Hospital Block. The Fdme Minister (Mr. Men- zlasi will open the KZ children's block at Austin Hospital at 3 p.m. on Sunday, October 14. A re.ord- ine of the ceremony will be re- tooaacast from KZ at 5.30 p.m. ...
the children's block from
... block center. This center is; an open area of the room where children are provided many types and sizes of blocks for self-initiated play. Blocks ate one of the most valuable tqols for children's play because they come with no ...
the children's block from
... block publication, a Canadian consumer magazine is reporting that a popular line of children's blocks sold throughout North America contains high lead levels. In an article that will be available at newsstands on Friday, the magazine ...
the children's block from
... block grant community services; and the children's health program. The fiscal year that Is almost over, Toan noted, has been one of major change for social service programs at both national and state levels. Categorical programs were ...
the children's block from
... children. "As a charitable non-profit organization in Prescott, the YMCA is dedicated to being available to all of our children ... Block, $1,290 for 10 children; Neighborhood, $2,580 for 20 children; and Community Mentor, $5,000 or more. .
the children's block from
... children of. the neighborhood had subscribed to a fund to assist in paying the wages of playground teachers and play leaders. Plan Meets Approval. <rWhen Commissioner Woods walked along the block the older children cheered him. Every ...