Ann Smart Martin provides answers to these questions by examining the texture of trade on the edge of the upper Shenandoah Valley between 1760 and 1810.
Le Mensonge Universel comprend l'analyse du texte sumérien, son historique, l'adaptation littéraire, la table des correspondances, et bien-sûr la traduction de la tablette originale, réalisée par un grand spécialiste, le Pr. Attinger, ...
Aksi masa Tan Malaka 1926 ini mempunyai revolusi yang mana untuk menentukan kelas yang memegang kekuasaan negara, politik, dan ekonomi, serta dijalankan dengan cara kekeerasan.
Featuring some 250 color illustrations, most of which have never before been published, this exciting book reveals the lives, customs, and religious beliefs of this until now little-known community.
In this new evaluation of Procopius, Professor Cameron emphasises the essential unity of the three works and, startin with the `minor' ones, deomstrates their intimate connection with the Wars.