navajo sandstone from
... Navajo Sandstone at the Cashin mine , sec . 22 , T. 47 N. , R. 19 W. , Montrose County , Colo . [ Measured by L. C. Craig ] Entrada Sandstone . Unconformity . Navajo Sandstone : Contact poorly exposed , located within 1 ft ...
navajo sandstone from
present in the Navajo sandstone about 100 feet above the base . The matrix of the conglomerate is red - brown quartz sandstone with angu- lar slabs of greenish - gray sandy limestone , 18 inches or more in diameter , embedded in it ...
navajo sandstone from
... Navajo sandstone cannot be deter- mined in the area , as the top of the sandstone has been removed by erosion during Cenozoic time . Gregory ( 1938 , p . 56 ) reports that the Navajo is 880 feet thick on the south side of Wilson Mesa ...
navajo sandstone from
... Navajo sandstone cannot be deter- mined in the area , as the top of the sandstone has been removed by serosion during Cenozoic time . Gregory ( 1938 , p . 56 ) reports that the Navajo is 880 feet thick on the south side of Wilson ...
navajo sandstone from
The Navajo sandstone crops out extensively in the western part of the area in buttes and gently rounded domes , rising above the bench formed by the Kayenta formation . Complete thicknesses of the Navajo sandstone cannot be deter- mined ...
navajo sandstone from
... Navajo sandstone as measured northeast of Navajo Mountain , at Navajo Begay , and at Rainbow Bridge is 1,100 feet . The Navajo sandstone is unfossiliferous , and its exact age is un- known . There appears to have been continuous ...
navajo sandstone from
... Navajo sandstone about 100 feet above the base . The matrix of the conglomerate is red - brown quartz sandstone with angu- lar slabs of greenish - gray sandy limestone , 18 inches or more in diameter , embedded in it . The thickness ...
navajo sandstone from
... Navajo Sandstone by erosion . If this premise is correct , the Navajo should be at least as old as Sinemu- and the upper , or Springdale Sandstone Member , con- sists mostly of pale - red to brownish - red sandstone but includes some ...
navajo sandstone from
... Sandstone over Navajo Sandstone or Co - op Creek Member of Carmel Formation over Temple Cap Sandstone : Peterson and Pipiringos , 1979 ; Peterson , 1988a ; Blakey , 1989 ; Nielson , 1990 ; Havholm et al . , 1993 ; Jones and Blakey ...
navajo sandstone from
... Navajo Sandstone consists mostly of highly crossbedded sand- stone , includes some beds of cherty limestone , and is mostly of eolian origin ( Harshbarger and others , 1957 , p . 19-25 ; Wright and Dickey , 1958 , p . 173 ; Stokes ...