Masereel Paintings In Windsor Exhibit. By BORIS NELSON. SOME make it In the world of art and others don't, and for a myriad of reasons, primary of which is negligence on the part of those who only ride with the more recognized names ...
... Masereel styr. Por RENE VAN MEERBEKE. tres circunstancias -ellces se debe la cxposlclbr. quo pre- senta aoa ahora la Bibliotcca Na- senta cional: la generosa hospltalidad que cfrece siempre esta enttdad a todas las manlfestaclones artisti ...
... Masereel, que ha entregado a la publlca admlraclbn la genero- sidad de su propletarlo el dlstm- guldo caballero austriaco senor Walter Engel. Es necesarlo subra- yar intensamente la trascendencla de esta exposlcion que pone ante los ...
... MASEREEL. Em Luebeck, foram expostas gravuras em madeira do fla- mengo Franz Masereel, que breve fara 70 ano_s. Suas ima- gens fixam situagoes da vida do homem modc-rno e criticam as condigoes sociais nas grandes cidades. Seus livros com ...
... Masereel, will be shown on Thursdays for four weeks at noon. They start Sept. 1 7 with The Look of a Lithographer, studying American artist Louise •Nevelson, plus Homage to Felix Tournachon. .On Sept. 24 and Oct. 8 the film will be a ...
... Masereel. da mesma editora. relativemente nove e especlaliza- da (pelo menos ate agorai em llvros raros e antigos. Frans Masereel. professor da Unlversidade de Saarbruc- ken e ilustrador de obras de autores como Stefan Zweig, Romain ...
... nightmares with world depression, war and the bomb. Dreams are represented by El Ussitzky's 'Tallin Working on the Monument to the Third International" 1921-22, and the nightman* by "The Prophet," 1937, by Frans Masereel.
... of PAU's Arthur and Mata Collection, features 1920s and 1930s political novels in woodcuts by Lynn Ward. Frans Masereel and otliers. The display is located on the library's third floor east. Admission is free. Call 297-0226.
... Masereel. Hojas como "Lj. . poca" y "Paz", cuya tremenda a sacion esta plasmada en el i conuso y convincente lengi graiico, no tienen nada que ei dlar al gran genio flamenco di xilografia. Otros cuadros, "El 1 del loco" y "Delirio y ...
... Masereel • Centre in Belgium. THOSE residents of Edinburgh who are said to mope about the house a lot during their Festival and hardly to go out until it is over, have a habit they could have. made Glasgow an annual winter stopping place ...