inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
A concise and clear introduction to the new institutional economics that summarizes current knowledge whilst addressing its gaps and weaknesses.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
Voigt, a pioneer of the field, demonstrates how constitutional rules affect political economy, appealing to both scholars of the field and readers with no familiarity of the topic.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
State of emergency provides the first exploration of the causes and consequences of constitutional emergency provisions across the world.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
This textbook shows how to bring theoretical concepts from finance and econometrics to the data.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
This textbook shows how to bring theoretical concepts from finance and econometrics to the data.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
Stefan Voigt examines the emergence of constitutions and how and why they change. He proposes that they are based on spontaneously-developed institutions and presents predictions on the scope of change under various setting and factors.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
Making European Merger Policy More Predictable analyses European Merger Control with regard to its capacity to generate predictability among the concerned parties.
inauthor:"Stefan Voigt" מאת
"Dieses gelungene Lehrbuch wird nicht nur Ökonomen wärmstens empfohlen, sondern auch Politologen, Soziologen und Juristen, die nach einem Einstiegswerk in die Neue Institutionenökonomik suchen." Prof.