This book explains that penitentiaries were originally designed to bring about penance, and that this has been lost in the assembly line of mass incarceration.
If we embrace the message of The One, we can begin to achieve way beyond what we think is possible. Nick P. Smith’s book is designed for readers to get the most out of life.
His writings have appeared in journals such as Continental Philosophy Review, Social Theory and Practice, The Journal of Social Philosophy, Culture, Theory & Critique, The Rutgers Law Journal, and The Buffalo Law Review.
"A strange bird hatched from an egg in a duck's nest. Will he find new friends when he is different from the others? Look inside and follow a long road with him before he finds an incredible secret about himself"--Back cover.
This book shows you how to get started with social media giving you the ability and best practice to interact confidently with your fans and subscribers.
Trout fishing is part of the history and heritage of the American Northeast and Canada, and this book adapts classic trout fishing strategies and techniques for anglers in this region, which is currently enjoying a renaissance as streams ...
This innovative book draws on original research with those people in the front-line of the reforms - staff, managers and users of public services - to explore their responses to this turn to consumerism.
This will not be the last edition, I am sure!" Professor David Clutterbuck, European Mentoring & Coaching Council "This is not a once-read book but a reference text to be returned to time and time again.
This is your complete course in digital marketing. ABOUT THE SERIES ULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work.