The volume is a commentary on 1 Enoch chapters 91 108 that begins with the Ethiopic text tradition but also takes the Greek and Aramaic (Dead Sea Scrolls) evidence into account.
In this volume renowned scholar Loren Stuckenbruck explores aspects of that influence and demonstrates how the myth was reused and adapted to address new religious and cultural contexts.
Before the Dead Sea discoveries, the Book of Giants was only extant through fragmentary Manichaean sources. Since Milik's identification of the Book of Giants from Qumran materials, there has been mounting interest in this work.
Rather than attempt a verse-by-verse analysis, these volumes work from larger sense units, highlighting the place of each passage within the overarching biblical story.
Wie so viele biblische Texte hat auch 1Kor 11,2-16 Denken und Handeln von Menschen geprägt. Dabei geht es besonders um die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Mann und Frau und darum, ob Frauen eine Kopfbedeckung tragen sollen.