Visualization is the premium means of taking up this challenge. This book is based on selected lectures given by leading experts in scientific visualization during a workshop held at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
This book provides a solid and uniform derivation of the various properties Bezier and B-spline representations have, and shows the beauty of the underlying rich mathematical structure.
The workshop and the book addressed questions of whether medical data visualization approaches can be devised or improved to meet these challenges, with the promise of ultimately being adopted by medical experts.
This book contains the best 20 peer-reviewed papers resulting from the discussions and presentations at the third workshop on "Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization", held 2009 in Snowbird, Utah, US. The 2009 "TopoInVis" ...
The workshop and the book addressed questions of whether medical data visualization approaches can be devised or improved to meet these challenges, with the promise of ultimately being adopted by medical experts.
The workshop and the book addressed questions of whether medical data visualization approaches can be devised or improved to meet these challenges, with the promise of ultimately being adopted by medical experts.
This book provides a solid and uniform derivation of the various properties Bezier and B-spline representations have, and shows the beauty of the underlying rich mathematical structure.