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noun ˈämən plural -s : long-stemmed rice grown in the rainy season in India. Word History Etymology Hindi āman First Known Use 1866.
8 days ago · Aman is most likely derived from the name Amani, and means “believer,” “hope” or “wishes.” Additionally, the name could have Yoruban roots.
aman adjective gilt-edged [adjective] safe to invest in and certain to produce interest safe [adjective] (opposite unsafe) protected, or free (from danger etc)
Meanings of "aman" in English Spanish Dictionary : 3 result(s) ; 1, Conjugations, aman [v], you/they love.
aman (definite accusative amanı, plural amanlar). mercy. Synonyms: rəhm, mərhəmət. (archaic) peace, safety (absence of danger or violence), security.
Mar 9, 2009 · We have the word "αμάν" (aman) but in Greek it means "woe to me", "oh God what happened". It's an expression of distress.
a religious group founded in Germany in 1714, moved to New York State in 1843, and then to Iowa in 1855, where its villages have flourished as cooperative ...
Amān (Arabic: امان, lit. 'safety, protection, safe conduct') is the Islamic law concept of guaranteeing the security of a person (who is then called mustaʾmin) ...