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Beit Guvrin - Maresha National Park, Israel. Bell caves complex.

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Timeline to Jewish History and Heritage:

Beit Guvrin - Maresha was declared a national park in 1989 to preserve the impressive archeological remains of these two ancient towns, to continue their research and to preserve the natural woodland of the area.
Beit Guvrin – Maresha national park is located in Lakhish Region, just south of Adullam region, in the Judean lowland, 13 kilometers from the town of Kiryat Gat.
In the southern and highest area of the park there is Tel Maresha. (Maresha mound).
There are many caves and Bell caves in this park, some of them are open to the public.
Bell Caves has excellent acoustics so concerts for the public are often to be held there.
One scene from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar was filmed there in 1973.

About Bell caves:

Maresha is mentioned in the book of Joshua, among the towns of the tribe of Judah.(Joshua 15:44).

After the Babylonians destroyed the 1st Jewish Temple and exiled the Jews to Babylon
(586 BCE), many nations settled in Maresha – among them Edomites, Sidonians and in the Hellenistic period - Greek-speaking people.
The Hasmonean Jewish leader, John Hyrcanus, conquered the town in 112 BCE. Its inhabitants were converted into Judaism and tradition says this is the place where King Herod was born. (He was of Edomite origin).

The town of Beit Guvrin succeeded Maresha as the main important town in this region in Roman era, when it was known as Eleutheropolis.

Over the years Beit Guvrin was ruled by Jews, Romans, Byzantines, Muslims and Crusaders, who built there (guess what?) a fortress. Each of these periods has left its remains there.
After the Romans destroyed the 2nd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (70 CE), killed hundred of thousands of Jews and exiled many others to Rome, a large Jewish community of those who remained, was created in Beit Guvrin, until approx. 500 CE, in what are called the Mishna and the Talmud periods. The Arab village of Beit Jibreen was there until Israel’s War of Independence (1948). Its residents fled during the war.
Kibbutz Beit Guvrin was founded there in 1949.
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  1. kimberlyk4:37
  2. 1quilter4:45
  3. SandC4:55
  4. freetime5:19
  5. liz555:36
  6. Oznut5:38
  7. nanlein5:42
  8. Puzno5:54
  9. Popnnani5:54
  10. collette646:17


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Amazingly beautiful! Thanks, Elin.
Denvuptown, she mentions the movie at the end of the first paragraph. nan


This is also where a couple scenes from Jesus Christ superstar was filmed.

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