Justin Bieber Got Dreads and Now It's a Whole Thing

The pop start's latest grooming move is what we might call ill-advised.
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Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic

Justin Bieber's already having a wild 2016 style-wise. First he got blonde hair, then he enlisted Fear Of God to design his tour merch, and oh yeah, he was on the cover of GQ. While we've been behind most of Justin's recent swerves, at last night's iHeartRadio Awards, he may have gone too far when he showed up with some freshly-bleached dreadlocks.

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Naturally, Twitter reacted to this new in the most Twitter-y of ways—by making tons of jokes about it:

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Besides the could-be dicey cultural powder keg of a rich white guy wearing dreads as an aesthetic choice, we're going to go ahead and say the dreads just don't look good on Justin. Even in terms of dreadlocks, they're kind of phoned-in. The kid's got a nice head of a hair he should be proud of, and if you don't believe us, take a look through our cover shoot with the guy. He's got god-level, just-wavy-enough hair —when he wants to. Dare we say this latest move makes us miss mophead-era Bieber?

Just like the cornrows he sported for a minute a few months ago, this is simply a grooming move white guys shouldn't do. Sorry, but if you can name even a single guy that's looked cool in dreads, we'll allow it (and no, this Polo model doesn't count). In the meantime, let's all agree to discourage this kind of behavior, whether it's Bieber or your bestie.