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The Entrelac technique creates a texture that looks like stockinette rows of tilted blocks.  This technique can be done with a single color, but stands out more when using a color changing yarn or multiple colors of yarn.

If you see the class you want, but the date and time don't work for you, select the class scheduled for December 31st.  Once you sign up, the instructor will contact you to schedule a convenient date and time for the class during the month.

Skill Level: Intermediate
Skill Details: Students should already know how to Knit, purl, cast on and bind off.
Materials Included: None
Requirements: Students must bring yarn and appropriate size needles for their yarn. Yarn & needles can be purchased at the shop.
Instructor: Audrey Kruse
Instructor Bio: Audrey is the owner of Fleeces To Pieces. She learned to knit in 2009, and taught knitting classes at Fiber U in Lebanon, MO as well as in her prior shop in Camdenton, MO. Audrey also owned an alpaca farm for 11 years and has some experience in all phases of fiber processing.
Admin & Instruction. Yarn and needles are available at Fleeces To Pieces for purchase.

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Included Materials



This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.