Texas Tech University

Glossy Abelia

Abelia x grandiflora

Glossy abelia is an evergreen shrub which produces light pink flowers from Spring into Fall.  It's tolerant of poor conditions, including drought and a range of soils.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Abelia x grandiflora

Abelia x grandiflora Photo Gallery

Abelia x grandiflora Plant Information

Scientific Name: Abelia x grandiflora
Common Name: glossy abelia
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Suggested Uses: bank cover, massing, hedge
Height: 3 - 6 feet tall
Spread: 3 - 6 feet wide
Foliage: opposite, simple, evergreen, and lustrous dark green

serrate margins and widest below the middle
Flower: whitish pink and slightly fragrant
Bloom Period: Spring - frost
Fruit: achene
Sun: tolerates part shade; better foliage and flowers in full sun
Water: drought-tolerant
Soil: tolerates poor soil conditions

prefers a slightly acidic, well drained soil, but will do well in alkaline soils
USDA Zone: zones 6 - 9
Maintenance: can get out of control and ragged-looking if not pruned

TTU Plant Resources