10 Celebrities Who Wear Wigs

In the glamorous world of Hollywood, where appearance often takes center stage, hair plays a pivotal role in defining a celebrity's look. But what many don't realize is that beneath the perfect tresses, some celebrities grapple with hair loss and have turned to wigs as their saving grace. Let's dive into the stories of some renowned celebrities who've embraced wigs and the reasons behind their choices.

1. Tyra Banks:

The fierce supermodel and iconic TV host, Tyra Banks, has always been a trendsetter. But behind those stunning photoshoots and runway walks, Tyra faced the repercussions of frequent hair styling. The constant manipulation led to noticeable hair loss. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Tyra was quoted saying, "“How can I say this without tearing up? I got a little alopecia from the stress,”.

tyra banks hair loss
Tyra Banks natural hair

But in true Tyra fashion, she turned adversity into an opportunity, embracing wigs to continue shining in the spotlight.

tyra banks wig
Tyra Banks with a wig

2. Keira Knightley:

Keira Knightley, with her impeccable acting skills, has given life to many characters on screen. But off-screen, she faced the challenge of hair loss due to continuous dyeing and styling for roles. Keira's solution? Wigs. For years, she's relied on them to maintain her cinematic charm and protect her natural hair.

kiera knightly wig
Keira Knightley

In an interview with InStyle Keira said, ‘It got so bad that my hair literally began to fall out of my head. So for the past five years I’ve used wigs, which is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to my hair.’

3. Naomi Campbell:

Naomi Campbell's name is synonymous with supermodel royalty. However, years of sporting tight hairstyles and extensions took a toll on her hair, leading to traction alopecia. Naomi's choice to occasionally wear wigs showcases her adaptability and commitment to self-care.

naomi campbell traction alopecia
Naomi Campbell Traction Alopecia

Here's what Naomi said about wearing wigs, "Everybody in the world wears wigs," she says. "It doesn't matter any more. I do what I want, or whatever the job calls for."

naomi campbell wig
Naomi Campbell wearing a wig

4. Jada Pinkett Smith:

Jada has become arguably the most famous woman with alopecia. Let's not get into the whole Will Smith at the 2022 Oscars debacle, we'd rather focus on Jada's activism within the alopecia and hair loss community. Jada's openness about her struggles with alopecia has been both brave and enlightening. She often adorns turbans or wigs, turning her challenge into a fashion statement and inspiring many in the process.

jada pinkett smith hair loss

Jada has opened up about how she felt when she first started losing her hair, “It was terrifying when it first started. I was in the shower one day and just handfuls of hair in my hands and I was just like ‘Oh my God, am I going bald?".

Later, she said “The higher power takes so much from people… and, by golly, if the higher power wants to take your hair. That’s it? When I looked at it from that perspective, it really settled me.”

jada pinkett smith hair loss

5. Kristin Davis:

Our beloved "Sex and the City" star, Kristin Davis, faced thinning hair issues. But did that stop her from being the fashion-forward Charlotte York? Absolutely not! Kristin turned to wigs and hairpieces, especially during the show's filming, ensuring her character remained as vibrant as ever.

hair loss
Kristin Davis Female Pattern Hair Loss

kristin davis
Kristin Davis Wig

6. Ricki Lake:

Ricki Lake's revelation about her hair loss brought attention to the various causes behind it. From hair damage to stress, hormonal changes, and dieting, Ricki believes multiple factors played a part. Her journey to embracing wigs has been both emotional and empowering.

ricki lake hair loss
Ricki Lake Hair Loss

Ricki opened up about her hair loss via instagram with a post where she shared the following:

"Liberated and Free, Me. First things first, I am not sick. (THANK GOD.) I am not having a mid-life crisis. nor am I having a mental breakdown, though I have been suffering. Suffering mostly in silence off and on for almost 30 years. AND I am finally ready to share my secret. Deep breath Ricki…. Here goes….. I have been struggling with hair loss for most of my adult life. It has been debilitating, embarrassing, painful, scary, depressing, lonely, all the things. There have been a few times where I have even felt suicidal over it. Almost no one in my life knew the level of deep pain and trauma I was experiencing. Not even my therapist/s over the years knew my truth. I know that by sharing my truth, I will be striking a chord with so so many women and men. I am not alone in this and my goal is to help others while at the same time unshackle myself from this quiet hell I have been living in

ricki lake wig
Ricki Lake Wig

7. Countess Vaughn:

Countess Vaughn's story serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of continuous wig-wearing with adhesives (don't stress- all our Lusta wigs are completely glue and adhesive-free!). A severe scalp infection from glued down lace front wigs led to significant hair loss for the actress. Her experience underscores the importance of proper wig care and listening to one's body.

countess vaughn hair loss
Countess Vaugn Hair Loss

Countess Vaugn opened up about the experience saying, "I was embarrassed, you have to be at home, and be bald,” Countess said while holding back tears. “I had to go through this to teach my little one that you have to love yourself before anyone else will.”

countess vaugn wig
Countess Vaugn Wig

8. Tamar Braxton:

The talented singer and TV personality, Tamar Braxton, has been candid about her alopecia struggles. Whether she's rocking a wig or flaunting a bald style, Tamar's confidence shines through, reminding us that beauty is truly skin deep.

tamar braxton hair loss

Tamar's hair loss was triggered by giving birth to her son. Post-partum hair loss effects 1 in 2 women.

Tamar opened up about her love of wigs, saying, "I have become a slave to the wig and the weaves. I love the quickness and the fullness. Plus I would never dye my hair because it falls out like a bolt of lightning."

wigs for hair loss

9. Viola Davis:

Viola Davis, with her powerhouse performances, has also been a beacon of inspiration for many. Her openness about her alopecia areata diagnosis and choice to wear wigs, especially on the red carpet, speaks volumes about her resilience.

Viola Davis' hair loss began when she was 28-years-old and lost half of her hair.

viola davis hair loss

Viola originally struggled with her alopecia, and did not feel comfortable without her wig. She is quoted saying, “I was so desperate for people to think that I was beautiful...I wore a wig in the Jacuzzi. I had a wig I wore around the house. I had a wig that I wore to events. I had a wig that I wore when I worked out.”.

Since then, Viola has become more open and comfortable with her alopecia, frequently being photographed without her wigs.

viola davis wig
Viola Davis wearing a wig

10. Selma Blair:

Selma Blair's battle with multiple sclerosis has been both heart-wrenching and inspiring. Post-treatment, she experienced significant hair loss. But Selma, with her indomitable spirit, chose to wear head wraps, hats, and wigs, turning her journey into a testament of strength and grace.

selma blair hair loss
Selma Blair hair loss

selma blair

In Conclusion: These celebrities, with their personal stories, remind us that challenges can be faced with grace, confidence, and style. Wigs, for many, are not just about fashion but are a means to reclaim their identity and confidence. Their journeys inspire us to embrace ourselves, with or without hair, and to redefine beauty on our terms.


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The average woman cannot afford expensive wigs like celebrities. Alopecia for any woman is devastating. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the fortunate could pay it forward by donating wigs and funds to help less fortunate.
I have two family members that have luxurious long hair and when cut nowhere to donate anymore


Want to see seems to be natural hair wig picture