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Maintenance Aloe vera - Barbados Aloe

Entretien Aloe vera - Aloès des Barbades - La Green Touch

Laetitia Tavares |

ALOE VERA Aloe vera Barbados Aloe


A succulent plant, Aloe Vera can be grown outdoors in summer and indoors in winter.
Reaching between 60cm and 1m in height, favorable exposure to its cultivation requires good light with or without direct sun.
Be careful, however, to take the time to acclimatize it to direct sunlight little by little. Start with exposure for a few hours in the mild morning or evening sun.


Having a great capacity to retain water, Aloe Vera is able to withstand a period of drought.
Watering should therefore be moderate and in small quantities: once a week in summer, if the temperatures are very hot and once or twice a month in winter. Make sure that water does not stagnate in the saucer after watering to avoid root rot.

During the growth period, from May to September, we recommend that you provide it with water. fertilizer for cacti. This will strengthen her!

Repotting / Planting

Use cactus soil for repotting, which is done approximately every two years. Use a slightly larger pot.

Good to know

Faced with a lack of light, growth will be slower. If the tips of the leaves soften and change color, it is due to excess water.

Find Aloe Vera on our e-shop!

The little extra

The ideal plant for beginners!


South Africa, tropical and subtropical regions



Type of plant
