Maximum size : 5 cm

Vampire Crab - Geosesarma dennerle Crab Profile & Care Guide

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Vampire Crabs (Geosesarma dennerle) exhibit fascinating behaviour that is sure to captivate any observer. In addition, these nocturnal creatures possess an intriguing and somewhat shy nature, typically active during the night but occasionally appearing at dusk or even during the day. 

While they generally coexist peacefully among their own kind, they can be territorial and assertive towards crabs of different species. For instance, if housed together with Red Devil Crabs, conflicts may arise more frequently. Therefore, it is advisable to select tank mates carefully, with large snails and shrimp being ideal companions for your Vampire Crab, while larger or smaller fish are not recommended.

Vampire Crabs exhibit a unique semi-terrestrial lifestyle, dividing their time between the water and land. These agile creatures will often establish their preferred spot within the tank and remain there for extended periods, demonstrating their tranquillity. However, despite their seemingly serene demeanour, these crabs possess impressive bursts of speed, enabling them to sprint short distances with remarkable agility.

Contrary to their name, Vampire Crabs do not derive their moniker from their behaviour or feeding habits; their striking colouration inspired their title. It is worth noting that their claws do not open wide, making it challenging for them to inflict any significant pinching. During the moulting process and immediately afterwards, Vampire Crabs are particularly vulnerable. Therefore, providing an abundance of hiding places is crucial to safeguard them from potential predation by other crabs.

The body of the Vampire Crab is adorned with a beautiful dark colouration that ranges from violet-purple to brownish-purple and even black. In addition, creamy white spots embellish their carapace, adding to their allure and forming a mesmerizing pattern. Occasionally, these spots may even converge to create a bat-like shape, offering a plausible explanation for their intriguing name.

Their distinctive claws exhibit a spectrum of hues, ranging from a delicate light pink to a vibrant purple, while their prominent, bright yellow eyes are positioned atop their heads. With ten legs, including their impressive pinchers, Vampire Crabs exemplify the remarkable diversity and beauty found in the world of crustaceans.

Vampire Crab Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Vampire Crabs is generally straightforward. Males typically exhibit slightly larger body sizes and possess larger, more vibrant claws. Furthermore, their abdominal flaps appear thin and somewhat pointed in shape. On the other hand, females tend to have smaller claws, and their abdominal flaps are wider and oval-shaped. These distinctive physical characteristics serve as reliable indicators for discerning between the sexes of Vampire Crabs.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameGeosesarma dennerle
Year Described2015
Other NamesGeosesarma, Carnival Crab
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asGroups 5+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.0 - 8.5
GH 4 - 16
KH 0 - 10
Ideal Temperature
75 - 82
24 - 28

Natural Habitat

Vampire Crabs, with their captivating allure, originate from the mesmerizing landscapes of the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Pacific. Their native realms span across Sulawesi, Java, Krakatau, and the Riau Islands in the enchanting region of Southeast Asia. 

These remarkable creatures find solace in the lush forests, where they seek refuge amidst rocky enclaves and amidst the dense foliage lining the fringes of freshwater lakes and rivers. This unique habitat allows them to seamlessly navigate between the realms of land and water, embracing their semi-terrestrial lifestyle. 

Amazingly, Vampire Crabs have adapted to thrive solely in freshwater environments, proving that they need not rely on the salty depths of the ocean to flourish.


The mating process of Vampire Crabs follows a relatively straightforward pattern, lacking elaborate rituals or displays. During mating, the male seizes the female, inverting her and enveloping her body to ensure successful fertilization.

Upon completion of mating, it takes approximately one month for the eggs to hatch. As this pivotal stage approaches, the females undergo a notable shift in behaviour, becoming increasingly secretive and seeking refuge in hiding places.

The number of eggs the females carry can range from 20 to 80, varying based on their size and maturity. Finally, female Vampire Crabs give birth to live offspring, miniature replicas of the adult crabs. Freshly hatched juveniles measure a mere 1 to 2 mm in length and rely heavily on their mother's protection. They will remain sheltered beneath her abdomen for several weeks until they can independently survive.

Regrettably, cannibalism poses a potential threat among the crabs once the period of maternal care concludes. Therefore, to safeguard the survival of the offspring, it is imperative to separate the mother from her young, as only a small fraction will successfully reach adulthood.

During the moulting process, the young crabs become vulnerable to predation from their siblings. To mitigate this risk, the provision of ample hiding places becomes crucial. Furthermore, separating the crabs by size can help reduce aggressive encounters and promote a harmonious environment.

Diet & Feeding

Vampire Crabs, with their voracious appetite and diverse palate, exhibit omnivorous feeding behaviour. In their natural habitat, these resourceful creatures feast upon a wide array of small terrestrial insects, including grasshoppers, earthworms, crickets (both living and deceased), mealworms, springtails, worms, woodlice, and plant detritus.

In the controlled environment of a home aquarium, the diet of Vampire Crabs can be enriched with various food sources. Alongside organic matter such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and earthworm pieces, these crabs readily consume various dried foods such as algae wafers, shrimp pellets, and fish flakes. Additionally, their dietary preferences extend to both dried and fresh vegetables and include dry leaves and other suitable plant matter.

It is important to note that, akin to shrimp, snails, and crayfish, Vampire Crabs have a specific calcium requirement to support the strength and integrity of their exoskeleton. Therefore, adequate calcium-rich sources are essential to promote their overall health and well-being.

Other Crabs

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