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Insurance and benefits with a purpose | Guardian
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Ed and Mary Ann’s story

After 57 years of marriage, Ed and Mary Ann are facing their greatest challenge yet — pancreatic cancer. But careful planning with their financial professional has set them up for financial confidence, so they can enjoy their time together.

Rachel’s story

With a long road to recovery ahead of her, Rachel realized perfection can be the enemy of progress. She was able to focus on healing, while we lent a supporting hand. Now, she’s welcoming a new chapter and a new addition to her life.


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*J.D. Power 2022 Certified Customer Service Program℠ recognition is based on successful completion of an evaluation and exceeding a customer satisfaction benchmark through a survey of recent servicing interactions. For more information, visit

Dividends are not guaranteed. They are declared annually by Guardian’s board of directors. The total dividend calculation includes mortality experience and expense management as well as investment results.

*J.D. Power 2022 Certified Customer Service Program℠ recognition is based on successful completion of an evaluation and exceeding a customer satisfaction benchmark through a survey of recent servicing interactions. For more information, visit

Dividends are not guaranteed. They are declared annually by Guardian’s board of directors. The total dividend calculation includes mortality experience and expense management as well as investment results.