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Eddie's Blog List – Page 2 – Dispelling The Mainstream Narrative

Lupron Dangers

  • “Gender-affirming care” is the latest buzz phrase being used to support the use of drugs and surgery to alter gender

  • During puberty, the gender-affirming care may include the use of puberty blockers, which are hormones that pause pubertal development

  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRHas) are a key part of this treatment, with Lupron (leuprolide acetate) being one of the most well-known

  • The FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System has at least 76,221 Lupron injury reports, of which 41,895 were severe and 11,917 were fatal

  • Lupron may cause long-term damage to female menstrual cycles, hormonal issues, sexual dysfunction, including impotence, cognitive dysfunction, IQ loss in children and psychiatric conditions, along with heart problems, severe arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and immune suppression

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“Gender-affirming care” is the latest buzz phrase being used to support the use of drugs and surgery to alter gender. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), gender-affirming care “is a supportive form of healthcare” that consists of medical, surgical, mental health and non-medical services for transgender and nonbinary people.

During puberty, the gender-affirming care may include the use of puberty blockers, which are hormones that pause pubertal development.1 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRHas) are a key part of this treatment, with Lupron (leuprolide acetate) being one of the most well-known.

Many who take the drugs, however, aren’t aware of their significant dangers or, as A Midwestern Doctor put it, “the scandalous 40 year saga that has allowed them to be unjustifiably used for a wide range of medical conditions.”2

GnRHas are a class of medications that act by initially increasing and then subsequently decreasing the secretion of gonadotropins — hormones that stimulate the gonads, meaning, in males, the testes, and in females, the ovaries. This leads to a decrease in testosterone levels in males and estrogen levels in females. Midwestern Doctor explains:3

“There are a variety of ways you can block the production of hormones in the body. Since the signal to produce sex hormones (e.g., estrogen and testosterone) begins in the brain, cutting that signal off mostly eliminates the body’s production of hormones.

The most powerful hormonal blockers, the GnRH agonists, work by overstimulating the brain’s GnRH receptors so that they become ‘burned out’ and no longer respond to the natural release of GnRH in the body, thereby short-circuiting the body’s production of sex hormones (which in many cases is a permanent short-c).”

Lupron increases the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland, which leads to a temporary surge in sex hormones — testosterone in males and estrogen in females.

However, continuous administration of Lupron then leads to a downregulation of LH and FSH levels, which significantly reduces the production of sex hormones by the gonads. This reduction in sex hormones effectively pauses the progression of puberty, preventing the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as deepening of the voice and growth of facial and body hair in men and the development of breasts in women.

The use of GnRH agonists in transgender youth is said to provide a temporary halt to puberty that can be reversed when the medication is discontinued. HHS is among those that describe puberty blockers as “reversible.”4 Yet, there are many unanswered questions about how these drugs change human development, as nearly all of those who take them go on to use cross-sex hormones. According to a report by Britain’s National Health Service:5 6

“The most difficult question is whether puberty blockers do indeed provide valuable time for children and young people to consider their options, or whether they effectively ‘lock in’ children and young people to a treatment pathway, which culminates in progression to feminizing/masculinizing hormones by impeding the usual process of sexual orientation and gender identity development.

Data from both the Netherlands and the study conducted by GIDS [Gender Identity Development Service] demonstrated that almost all children and young people who are put on puberty blockers go on to sex hormone treatment (96.5% and 98% respectively). The reasons for this need to be better understood.”

Meanwhile, there’s no evidence that the use of puberty blockers is safe for youth, while permanent physical harm may result. For starters, the American College of Pediatricians explains:

“Temporary use of Lupron has … been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.”

Despite its long list of significant side effects, Lupron is prescribed for a wide range of off-label uses. Initially approved for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, it transitioned to being used for all prostate cancers and is not also approved to treat advanced breast cancer, endometriosis and uterine fibroids in women and to treat early puberty in children. In the case of advanced prostate cancer treatment, Midwestern Doctor noted:7

“[I]n addition to Lupron offering a very small survival benefit, a strong case can be made that since it is frequently observed to causes a variety of severe complications (e.g., a large increase in fatal heart attacks or diabetes), its reduction in the prostate cancer death rate is actually an artifact of it killing the patients before a slow growing prostate cancer would.

This perspective for example was shared by the Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of the American Cancer Society.”

Lupron is also used for a variety of off-label uses, including gynecological problems, in-vitro fertilization and egg donation, chemical castration for sex offenders, increasing height in children and blocking puberty in transgendered youth.8

Midwestern Doctor points out that Lupron succeeded in becoming such a widely used drug despite its high risks due to “one of the most overt acts of physician bribery I’ve seen in American medicine.” Specifically:9

“Since Lupron initially did not sell well, Lupron’s manufacturer took advantage of the existing ‘standard,’ which allows chemotherapy drugs to be sold for a very high price and be ‘forgiven’ for their extreme toxicity.

This was done by reformulating Lupron into a long-acting monthly shot urologists could directly administer to their (prostate cancer) patients and hence directly profit from marking up when they resold it (e.g., Medicare paid $1,200 per shot — or roughly $2,400 in today’s dollars, and in many cases urologists charged far more, all of which allowed many urologists to make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year administering the shots).

To further sweeten the deal, Lupron’s manufacturer frequently bribed urologists and gave them free Lupron samples they ‘resold.’ This was illegal — and eventually resulted in an $875 million fine … but no pharmaceutical executives going to prison.

Because Lupron was immensely profitable, more and more urologists jumped on it, and by the late 1990s Lupron treatments were costing almost a billion dollars per year and accounted for 40 percent of all Medicare payments to many urology practices in the late 1990s …

This in turn led to a rapid proliferation of new off-label ‘uses’ for the drug … Remarkably, despite the fact Lupron has been on the market for decades, it is still extremely expensive. Lupron hence is a very lucrative drug.”

In 2017, a Kaiser Foundation article reported that more than 10,000 adverse event reports had been filed with the FDA by women who’d taken Lupron, in many cases a decade or more prior.10 Some of the women took Lupron as children to grow taller or stop early puberty.

Then, in their 20s, a range of debilitating health issues resulted, ranging from brittle bones and damaged joints to chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, mood swings and headaches. Seizures, depression and anxiety were also reported. Lupron’s prescribing information lists a number of significant warnings and precautions, including:11

  • Increase in bone pain

  • Ureteral obstruction

  • Spinal cord compression, which may contribute to paralysis with or without fatal complications

  • Hyperglycemia and diabetes

  • Increased risk of heart attack, sudden cardiac death and stroke in men

  • Convulsions

It further states, “In postmarketing experience, mood swings, depression, rare reports of suicidal ideation and attempt, rare reports of pituitary apoplexy [sudden bleeding into or impaired blood supply of the pituitary gland], and rare reports of serious drug-induced liver injury have been reported.”12

The FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System now has at least 76,221 Lupron injury reports, of which 41,895 were severe and 11,917 were fatal, according to Midwestern Doctor.13 Among the most common side effects are rapid bone loss, including jaw issues and teeth cracking apart, to the point that some women need dentures in their 30s.

Long-term damage to female menstrual cycles, hormonal issues, sexual dysfunction, including impotence, cognitive dysfunction, IQ loss in children and psychiatric conditions are also commonly reported, along with heart problems, severe arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and immune suppression.14 Midwestern Doctor reports:15

“Generally speaking, Lupron (like the COVID vaccines) causes the body to age prematurely — which in the case of Lupron provides an important insight on the importance of hormones as these victims provide a unique insight into what happens as the body loses those essential messengers (something which also occurs with age).

This why in addition to profound bone loss, Lupron also frequently causes other degenerative processes like hair loss, vaginal atrophy, receding gums, and declining vision.

For each of those symptoms (and many others), I’ve read countless testimonials describing the anguish of having their body rapidly age in front of their eyes and the general despair that accompanies decades of suffering with these ailments and the fact there is no one who will help them.”

Leaked emails from doctors who belong to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) also show that gender-affirming health care is not black and white. WPATH has influenced gender-affirming treatment guidelines adopted by England’s National Health Service, but according to Michael Shellenberger, a U.S. journalist who accessed the files, “what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine.”16 One doctor wrote:17

“I have one transition friend/colleague who, after about eight to 10 years of [testosterone] developed hepatocarcinoma [a form of liver cancer] … To the best of my knowledge, it was linked to his hormone treatment … it was so advanced that he opted for palliative care and died a couple of months later.”

Another, a child psychologist, said children don’t understand the ramifications of the hormone treatment and surgeries, stating:18

“[It is] out of their developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them. They’ll say they understand, but then they’ll say something else that makes you think, oh, they didn’t really understand that they are going to have facial hair.”

Midwestern Doctor also reviewed the leaks to see what WPATH members actually know about Lupron and other puberty blockers, stating:19

“From reviewing all of it, I learned that much like each other group which has promoted the off-label usage of Lupron, WPATH was:

  • Not entirely sure what the long-term consequences of this push for those drugs was and in essence, much of what they were doing was a large experiment.

  • Recognized that a variety of significant side effects would occur in children who took the blockers (e.g., some would permanently lose their libido or the ability to have an orgasm and many children would lose the necessary emotional developmental process that occurs during puberty).

  • Despite claiming otherwise, they knew the effects of Lupron were often not reversible.

  • Recognized that the children they were giving the blockers to were too young to fully comprehend the dangers of these drugs but nonetheless were seeking to initiate their use as early as possible.”

Dr. Rachel Levine, HHS assistant secretary for health, has widely stated that “gender-affirming care is medically necessary, safe, and effective for trans and non-binary youth.”20 Nonprofit watchdog Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records of scientific evidence to support gender-affirming care.

In response to the FOIA, HHS gave only one document totaling two pages in length — a brochure posted on its website, titled, “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People.”21 In a complaint obtained by The Daily Wire, PPT wrote to the HHS Inspector General, calling for an investigation into Levine’s statements — and whether they violate HHS’ scientific integrity policies.22

Describing the FOIA submission as “essentially a piece of marketing material with cherry-picked data and agenda-driven assertions,” the complaint to HHS states:23

“This is the opposite of science and evidence-based policymaking and flies in the face of the agency’s pledge of ‘adherence to professional practices, ethical behavior, and the principles of honesty and objectivity when conducting, managing, using the results of, and communicating about science and scientific activities.'”

Meanwhile, in a Wall Street Journal Opinion piece, investigative journalist Gerald Posner called gender-affirming care “a human experiment on children and teens, the most vulnerable patients,” adding:24

“Ignoring the long-term dangers posed by unrestricted off-label dispensing of powerful puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, combined with the large overdiagnosis of minors as gender dysphoric, borders on child abuse.”

To find out more, the video Trans Horror: The Unspoken Truth dives into the “unspoken reality of transgender sexual reassignment surgery and all of the pain, regret and horrors it entails.”25 You can also learn about how to protect your children from transgender ideology in my interview with Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Pesticides Implicated in Infertility

  • Human fertility is rapidly declining, and recent studies suggest pesticide exposure via conventional food may be a significant contributor to this disturbing trend, seen in both women and men

  • Compared to women with the lowest pesticide exposure, women with the highest exposure had an 18% lower IVF success rate. They were also 26% less likely to have a live birth if they did become pregnant

  • Modeling suggests exchanging a single serving of high-pesticide produce per day for one with low pesticide load may increase the odds of pregnancy by 79%, and the odds of having a live birth by 88%

  • Research also shows sperm concentration and quality has dramatically declined in recent decades, and the evidence suggests endocrine disrupting chemicals, which includes pesticides, are largely to blame

  • Washing your produce will help remove surface pesticide residues. According to published research, the most effective cleaning method, by far, is to wash your produce using a mixture of tap water and baking soda

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Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published November 15, 2017.

Human fertility is declining, and studies suggested conventional food may be a significant contributor to this disturbing trend, seen in both men and women. Pesticides have repeatedly been implicated in worsening fertility, and one study further supported this hypothesis.

The study,1 2 published in JAMA Internal Medicine, evaluated the influence of factors known to affect reproduction on the reproductive success of 325 women between the ages of 18 and 45 (mean age 35), who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF). As reported by Time,3 “The women in the study filled out detailed questionnaires about their diet, along with other factors that can affect IVF outcomes, like their age, weight and history of pregnancy and live births.”

Using a U.S. government database listing average pesticide residues on food, the researchers estimated each participant’s pesticide exposure based on their food questionnaires. On average, women with high pesticide exposure ate 2.3 servings per day of fruits, berries or vegetables known to have high amounts of pesticide residue. Those in the lowest quartile ate less than one serving of high-pesticide produce per day.

Compared to women with the lowest pesticide exposure, women with the highest amounts of pesticide exposure had an 18% lower IVF success rate. They were also 26% less likely to have a live birth if they did become pregnant. Using modeling, the researchers estimate that exchanging a single serving of high-pesticide produce per day for one with low pesticide load may increase the odds of pregnancy by 79%, and the odds of having a live birth by 88%.

Senior investigator Dr. Jorge Chavarro, associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, told Time:4

“I was always skeptical that pesticide residues in foods would have any impact on health whatsoever. So, when we started doing this work a couple of years ago, I thought we were not going to find anything. I was surprised to see anything as far as health outcomes are concerned. I am now more willing to buy organic apples than I was a few months ago.”

Co-author Dr. Yu-Han Chiu, research fellow in the department of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, added:5

“There have been concerns for some time that exposure to low doses of pesticides through diet, such as those that we observed in this study, may have adverse health effects, especially in susceptible populations such as pregnant women and their fetus, and on children. Our study provides evidence that this concern is not unwarranted.”

As noted by Dr. Philip Landrigan, dean for Global Health and professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai since 2010, in an accompanying commentary,6 “The observations made in this study send a warning that our current laissez-faire attitude toward the regulation of pesticides is failing us,” adding:

“We can no longer afford to assume that new pesticides are harmless until they are definitively proven to cause injury to human health.

We need to overcome the strident objections of the pesticide manufacturing industry, recognize the hidden costs of deregulation, and strengthen requirements for both premarket testing of new pesticides, as well as postmarketing surveillance of exposed populations — exactly as we do for another class of potent, biologically active molecules — drugs.”

Research also showed sperm concentration and quality has dramatically declined in recent decades, and the evidence suggested endocrine-disrupting chemicals are largely to blame. While there are many sources, pesticides, including glyphosate,7 are known endocrine disruptors as well.

According to the first of two published papers,8 a meta-analysis of 185 studies and the largest of its kind, sperm counts around the world declined by more than 50% between 1973 and 2013, and continue to dwindle.

The most significant declines were found in samples from men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. (Men suspected of infertility, such as those attending IVF clinics, were excluded from the study.) Overall, men in these countries had a 52.4% decline in sperm concentration and a 59.3% decline in total sperm count (sperm concentration multiplied by the total volume of an ejaculate).

As it stands, half of the men in most developed nations are now near or at the point of being infertile. Lead author Dr. Hagai Levine, who called the results “profound” and “shocking,”9 worries that human extinction is a very real possibility, should the trend continue unabated.10

Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is another major contributor to infertility. In fact, I believe this may be the most significant factor for the observed decrease in male sperm count.11 During World War II, it was well-known that radar operators could easily create sterility by exposing the groin to radar waves. Radar is microwave radiation and was the precursor to cellphones that use similar frequencies.

Modern research also suggested microwave radiation may play a significant role in male reproductive health. While evaluating studies showed you can radically reduce biological microwave damage using calcium channel blockers, Martin Pall, Ph.D., discovered a previously unknown mechanism of biological harm from microwaves emitted by cellphones and other wireless technologies.12

Embedded in your cell membranes are voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). It turns out these VGCCs are activated by microwaves, and when that happens, about 1 million calcium ions per second are released.

This massive excess of intracellular calcium then stimulates the release of nitric oxide (NO) inside your cell and mitochondria, which combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrite. Not only do peroxynitrites cause oxidative damage, they also create hydroxyl free radicals — the most destructive free radicals known to man.

Hydroxyl free radicals decimate mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, their membranes and proteins, resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction. During a 2013 children’s health expert panel on cellphone and Wi-Fi exposures,13 it was noted, “The testicular barrier, that protects sperm, is the most sensitive of tissues in the body … Besides sperm count and function, the mitochondrial DNA of sperm are damaged three times more if exposed to cellphone radiation.”

In addition to male testes, the tissues with the highest density of VGCCs are your brain and the pacemaker in your heart. What the research tells us is that excessive microwave exposure can be a direct contributor to conditions such as infertility, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, autism and cardiac arrhythmias.14

Indeed, other studies have linked low-level electromagnetic radiation exposure from cellphones to an 8% reduction in sperm motility and a 9% reduction in sperm viability.15 16 Wi-Fi-equipped laptop computers have also been linked to decreased sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation after just four hours of use.17 So, if you care about your reproductive health, the most important strategies to implement are to:

  • Avoid carrying your cellphone in your pockets or on your hip

  • Avoid using portable computers and tablets on your lap

  • Turn off your cellphones at night, as even if you are not talking, they can damage you up to 30 feet away

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi at night (ideally in the day also)

  • Most importantly, turn off the electricity to your bedroom at the circuit breaker. This typically works for most bedrooms unless you have a room or rooms adjacent to your bedroom, in which case you might need to shut that off, too. This will radically lower electric and magnetic fields while you sleep. If you need a clock, you can use a battery-operated one. Even better — a talking clock with no light that can be picked up on Amazon

In related news, researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine reported there’s been a shocking increase in glyphosate exposure in recent decades and, subsequently, the level found in people’s urine.

For this study,18 the researchers measured excretion levels of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid in 100 participants from the Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging, which ran for 23 years, starting in 1993, the year before genetically engineered (GE) crops were introduced in the U.S.

As one would expect, the introduction of Roundup Ready GE crops led to a massive increase in the use of Roundup, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate. Glyphosate has also become a popular tool for desiccating non-GE grains, legumes and beans.

Data19 20 revealed that between 1974 (the year glyphosate entered the U.S. market and just over two decades before GE crops were introduced) and 2014, glyphosate use in the U.S. increased more than 250-fold. Globally, glyphosate use rose nearly fifteenfold since 1996, two years after the first GE crops hit the market.

At the start of the study, very few of the participants had detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine, but by 2016, 70% of them did.21 Overall, the prevalence of human exposure to glyphosate increased by 500% during the study period (1993 to 2016), while actual levels of the chemical in people’s bodies increased by an astounding 1,208%.

Research22 found that daily exposure to ultra-low levels of glyphosate for two years led to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in rats, and the levels found in people’s urine were a hundredfold greater than those in this rat study.

In response to the findings of rising glyphosate levels in people’s urine, Monsanto was quick to say that the amounts reported “do not raise health concerns,” and that the fact that the chemical is detected in urine is just “one way our bodies get rid of nonessential substances.”23 Speaking to GM Watch, Michael Antoniou, Ph.D., a professor at King’s College London had another take on the matter:24

“This is the first study to longitudinally track urine levels of glyphosate over a period before and after the introduction of GM glyphosate-tolerant crops. It is yet another example illustrating that the vast majority of present-day Americans have readily detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine, ranging from 0.3 parts per billion, as in this study, to 10 times higher — 3 or more parts per billion — detected by others.

These results are worrying because there is increasing evidence to show that exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides below regulatory safety limits can be harmful.”

In 2014, the first-ever independent testing for glyphosate in the breast milk of American women found high levels in 30% of the samples.25 The testing, which was not a formal scientific study, was carried out by Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse. Still, the findings strongly suggest glyphosate bioaccumulates and builds up in your body over time, despite claims to the contrary.

Breast milk levels were found to be 76 to 166 micrograms per liter (ug/l), which is up to 1,600 times higher than the European Drinking Water Directive allows for individual pesticides, but still well below the 700 ug/l maximum contaminant level (MCL) for glyphosate allowed in the U.S. However, the U.S. level was set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) based on the now-ridiculous premise that glyphosate will not bioaccumulate.

Importantly, many of the participants in this study were familiar with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and had been actively trying to avoid them for several months to two years. This makes the findings all the more disheartening, and shows just how difficult it is to avoid this chemical unless you’re consistently eating an organic diet.

As noted in an investigation by In These Times,26 in the wake of Moms Across America’s findings, Monsanto defended its flagship pesticide with a study that found no glyphosate in breast milk. However, this study, which was purported to be “independent,” was actually backed by Monsanto. According to In These Times:

“More and more research suggests [sic] that glyphosate exposure can lead to numerous health issues, ranging from non-Hodgkin lymphoma and kidney damage to disruption of gut bacteria and improper hormone functioning. The Moms Across America episode fits a pattern that has emerged since 1974, when the EPA first registered glyphosate for use:

When questions have been raised about the chemical’s safety, Monsanto has ensured that the answers serve its financial interests, rather than scientific accuracy and transparency. Our two-year investigation found incontrovertible evidence that Monsanto has exerted deep influence over EPA decisions since glyphosate first came on the market — via Roundup — more than 40 years ago.”

Suspiciously, archived EPA documents from decades ago, when the agency was initially considering glyphosate for approval, have been heavily redacted.

Despite much of it being illegible, the documents revealed that EPA scientists were greatly concerned about a 1983 mouse study showing that glyphosate caused cancer. The documentation also showed that their interpretation of the data was “subsequently reversed by EPA upper management and advisory boards, apparently under pressure from Monsanto.”

“In years to come, that pivotal 1983 mouse study would be buried under layers of misleading analysis to obscure its meaning. Today, the EPA and Monsanto continue to cite that study as evidence that glyphosate poses no public health risk, even though the study’s actual evidence indicates otherwise,” In These Times reported.

The EPA has also been accused of overlooking other evidence of harm. As mentioned earlier, glyphosate was introduced in 1974, and the earliest example of Monsanto’s attempts to downplay evidence of harm dates back to May 1973, the year before its ultimate approval.

At the time, a biologist at the EPA’s Toxicology Branch Registration Division recommended including the word “Danger” on the label, due to the chemical’s ability to cause eye irritation. Monsanto strongly objected, saying the eye irritation observed was merely the result of “a secondary infection in previously irritated eyes.” After three years of deliberations back and forth, the EPA finally agreed to Monsanto’s request to replace the word “Danger” with the less attention-grabbing “Caution.”

As food has become increasingly adulterated, contaminated and genetically engineered, the need for laboratory testing has exponentially grown. In response to this need, the Health Research Institute (HRI Labs) has created two glyphosate tests for the public — a water testing kit and an environmental exposure test kit.

The environmental exposure test is a urine test that will tell you how much glyphosate you have in your system, which can give you a good idea of the purity of your diet. If your glyphosate level is high, chances are you’ve been exposed to many other agrochemicals as well.

I had this test done before, and had a glyphosate level below the threshold of detection, which is 40 parts per trillion, likely because I eat primarily organic and homegrown foods, and expel toxins I might come in contact with through exercise and regular sauna use.

Everyone can be harmed by pesticides, but if you’re a man or woman of childbearing age or have young children, taking steps to reduce your exposure is especially important. Ideally, all of the food you and your family eat would be organic. That said, not everyone has access to a wide variety of organic produce, and it can sometimes be costlier than buying conventional.

One way to save some money while still lowering your pesticide exposure is to purchase certain organic items, and “settling” for others that are conventionally grown, based on how heavily each given crop is typically treated with pesticides.

Animal products, like meat, butter, milk and eggs are the most important to buy organic, since animal products tend to bioaccumulate toxins from their pesticide-laced feed, concentrating them to far higher concentrations than are typically present in vegetables. Beyond animal foods, the pesticide load of different fruits and vegetables can vary greatly.

In 2015, Consumer Reports analyzed 12 years’ worth of data from the USDA’s Pesticide Data Program to determine the risk categories (from very low to very high) for different types of produce.27 Their results are featured in the video above. Because children are especially vulnerable to the effects of environmental chemicals, including pesticides, they based the risk assessment on a 3.5-year-old child.

They recommend buying organic for any produce that came back in the medium or higher risk categories, which left the following foods as examples of those you should always try to buy organic, due to their elevated pesticide load.

Another excellent source, which is updated annually, is the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” lists of produce with the greatest and least amounts of pesticide contamination. The EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide28 to Pesticides in Produce can be downloaded here.

Washing your produce will help remove surface pesticide residues. According to published research,29 the most effective cleaning method, by far, is to wash your produce using a mixture of tap water and baking soda. Soaking apples in a 1% baking soda solution for 12 to 15 minutes was found to remove 80% of the fungicide thiabendazole and 96% of the insecticide phosmet.

The reason thiabendazole was not as effectively removed is because it penetrated the apple to a depth of 80 micrometers. Importantly, the industry standard for cleaning apples — running under tap water or treating with the bleach solution for two minutes — was ineffective in comparison.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Alien Event / BioMed Expo /Ai ExpoCon / Alchemy Event – Today In Los Angeles 11-14th, April 2024

By: Saeed David Farman, CEO

There are 4 Events simultaneously at the same time under same ticket people can attend those are:



The 32ND Biohacking Health and Wellness Biomed EXPO returning to Los Angeles, CA, April 11-14, 2024, latest in Longevity, Biohacking, Stem Cell Research, Bio Photonics, Brain Health, Medical Technology, Medicine, Epigenetics, Biotech, Anti-Aging, Cancer Research, DNA Activation, Tesla Technology, PEMF systems, Skin Care, Red Laser, and Brain enhancement Technologies Expo/ Conference with world’s leading experts in health, longevity, science & consciousness.

4 Days of B2B & B2C Health Expo Conference for Professionals & Consumers.

Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX, 5985 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Biomed Expo ushers in new earth frequencies of biohacking and Trans-Humanism at the Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX, April 11-14, 2024, the conference brings together a highly coveted group of physicians to defy the preconceived limits of the human body. With over 30 speakers and 100 lectures, workshops with 39 Exhibits, this healing fest has curated the leading minds behind the latest leaps in healing modalities in functional Wellness and Quantum Healing.

This year’s programming will be the largest quantum leap to the future yet: medical researchers, doctors, and disclosure groups, Health Whistleblower will speak candidly on classified topics including: Bio photonics, Tesla’s discoveries, Therapeutic Benefits of far infrared energy, Healing power of PEMF machines, Healing with Quantum Lasers, Biohacking your Brain with Nitric Oxide, Liver Detox, EMF Protection, Stem Cell therapy, Skin Care Technology, Hair Analysis, Cardio test, Heart Formulas, Red Laser Therapy, converging the disciplines of metaphysics and medicine to enhance human cognitive functions, extend lifespan, and expand extrasensory perceptions.

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Dr. Michael Grossman, Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai, Dr. Robert young, Prof. Dr. Olha Nishkumai & Dr. Nick Delgado

***Full List of Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Olha Nishkumai, Dr. Michael Grossman, Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Bernard Straile, Dr. Ben Javid, Dr. Shawn Javid, Dr. Nick Delgado, Dr. Sam Fillingane, Dr. Jeffrey Benton, Dr. Luke Kuo, Dame Lillian Walker, Nima Farshid, Sir Bill Walsh®, Founder Saeed David Farman, Dr. Katherine Teisinger, Cher Olivos, Steven D. Kelley, Samuel Chong, Benton Ryer, Kristine Glein, Michelle Jewsbury, Phillip Wilson, Joe Blanton, Eric Dadmehr, Alan Bedian & Benton Ryer.

Master of Ceremonies: Michelle Jewsbury

Moderator of the Health Panel: Eric Dadmehr

Exhibits are free with registration, general admission for Biomed Expo conference is $599 with door ticket $999 (With 2-night Dinner Banquets $739, Door $1200) which covers lectures, workshops & panels.

Biomed EXPO is a division of 5D events and BIZTON.

More details:

The Hot Zone: Bird Flu

Yesterday, April 9, the WHO issued a report titled Avian Influenza A(H5N1) – United States of America. Of special concern is an April 1st report that a worker at a dairy farm in the Texas Panhandle has been infected with conjunctivitis (eye infection) after close contact with a dairy cow. We spent the day analyzing these reports.

In this episode of the Hot Zone, we review the literature on Avian Influenza, and we address the conspicuous timing of these events—on the heels of a bunch of chatter within the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex about Avian Influenza being a threat to humans and the recent development of mRNA vaccines that (we are told) will protect us from it.

Two major questions present themselves:

1). Is Avian Influenza the dread “Disease X” the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has recently heralded?

2). Is it reasonable to suspect that Gain-of-Function work has been performed—or is currently being performed—to make H5N1 readily transmissible to and contagious among humans?

Imagine a scenario in which H5N1 has been modified in a lab to make it readily infectious to humans and capable of community spread. Now imagine that this GoF modified strain escapes—accidentally or deliberately—from a lab within the context of the natural pathogen spreading among livestock.

We are NOT predicting that such a scenario will come to pass, but we want to be mindful of the possibility that it could and therefore pay close attention to how this story develops in the coming days and weeks.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: A HUGE amount of time, effort, and research goes into our reporting and analysis. If you find it interesting and informative, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to Courageous Discourse. For just $5 per month, you can really help to support our efforts to expose the machinations of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that has afflicted untold suffering and damage on humankind for the last four years.


EP28S2: “FBI Whistleblower George Hill”

An in-depth interview with FBI Whistleblower George Hill. Hill describes an FBI that is rotted from the inside out and his remedy is the complete eradication of the once premier law enforcement agency. His vast experience spans the Boston Marathon Bombing to running a six-state eastern seaboard High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) unit. This interview is gripping as Hill describes the failures, abuses, and incompetency of law enforcement agencies and the politicians running our government.

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The post EP28S2: “FBI Whistleblower George Hill” appeared first on DailyClout.

“Survival of the Weirdest”

The World is So Strange Now; Do Those Willing to Ask Strange Questions, Have an Advantage?

Two days ago, I was on the phone with customer service at Citibank. The house in which I was located — a two-story, full-basement, three-bedroom, 1400 square foot house on the highest point of a hill in the Hudson Valley — began to pitch, as if we were on a big boat in a major storm at sea.

There was a roar like a train hurtling down a track. “F——! What was that?” I confess I shouted, to the alarm of the customer service agent who was located in some other, more stable, country.

Born and raised in earthquake country, I called down to Brian — who remained at work, stoically, in the basement — and raced outside. I learned from my phone that the impact was an earthquake, from a magnitude 4.8 tremor whose epicenter was in New Jersey. I saw on social media that government advice was for everyone to stay inside.

I saw that there were rings of earthquakes around the world. There had been an earthquake in Taiwan last Wednesday, with aftershocks that lasted into the week. An earthquake warning was in effect for California, after a shock near Susanville last week as well.

Unusual? Not unusual? Hard to say. But I was rattled.

Earthquake awareness had been traumatic to many kids who grew up in San Francisco. The horrors of the 1906 quake that leveled much of the city were taught to us in detail in our history classes, and we were often instructed to get under our desks for earthquake drills.

I was shaken, thus, by government advice to people to stay indoors, as our instructions in my childhood had been to wait under a lintel til the building stopped shaking, and then to get outside, into the street, away from houses and structures, and to avoid downed power lines.

This advice had saved those who had survived in 1906.

I’ve noticed that government advice in emergencies has recently often been to stay inside in what could be hazardous conditions. When I lived in Israel as a child, for instance, at a time when terrorists really attacked schoolchildren, we were told to escape the situation and get outside as quickly as possible — not to “shelter in place” as children in the US are told to do in an “active shooter” situation, today.

In short, real emergencies feel scarier to me than they used to, because I simply do not trust the advice of “authorities” any longer.

Things are too strange blindly to trust “the authorities” anymore.

At the same time, for no good reason that I could see, many states prepared for the eclipse of April 8, by calling out the National Guard and declaring states of emergency. Canada’s Niagara region also declared a state of emergency, due to “tourism” during the eclipse; an insane over-reaction in multiple states and even nations for a four-minute event, and one that was not in place during the last such total solar eclipse, in 2017.

My takeaway is that we are being endlessly conditioned these days, even at our own commonsense peril, to remain vulnerable and dependent on the State during “emergencies” — a term always more expansively defined — and that we are being conditioned too to accept nonsensical reasons to declare “emergency law”, which, recall, is the endgame of any tyranny, and which suspends civil law.

The eclipse came and went.

My feed showed that there was heavy spraying — geoengineering, or else plane emissions — blocking visibility of it, across multiple states in its path, including directly above us in New York State. A blue day became a grey day with a cap of thick haze. Now, post-eclipse, the day is blue again.

But indeed, as promised, nonetheless, during the eclipse, the sky darkened. Brian recorded the event outside on his tripod and camera. Loki raced around, distraught, as the sky went dim. He tried at one point to hide under the tripod. Other people reported that their pets were upset by the unusual situation.

One image on my social media feed later, showed a halo around the blackened sun, ringed with red.

Darn, I responded. One more item off Revelation’s checklist.

But things are getting even weirder than that.

A friend and I discussed last night how different the world seems now than it used to seem in our childhood and youth. The world seems to be paper-thin now, with events unscrolling before one’s eyes like a film reel.

Remember how it used to feel? So cozy, so solid, so three-dimensional, so human, so loved, so secure.

Is the change merely of our perception, due perhaps to our time on phones? Or is it that we are located now in a different and weirder place physically, in the universe, with weirder energies around us? It is just ourselves aging? It it the electromagnetic fields proliferating around us due to the expansion of our devices and wifi?

Or is it due to none of the above?

Who knows?

But you would be a fool to not notice the rapidity with which our very foothold on the planet, our very reality, is changing.

Some of my friend’s techie friends are asking if we are actually part of a computer simulation. This is the kind of thing one would only ask in the past, when one was sixteen, in someone’s basement, and under the influence of some recreational drug.

But now — while I don’t personally believe that this is a possibility, and I think it is unlikely, I don’t stop listening.

Things have become that weird.

The transhumanists, for instance, really want something like this to be the case. And, as I have often pointed out, rich and powerful people do not spend time, investment dollars, lawyers’ and publicists’ fees, on ideas that can and will never remotely manifest.

Indeed, from Professor Klaus Schwab of the WEF on down, global elites are indeed excited about the promise of plugging humans into various forms of digital matrices. MIT’s Technology Review really does cover “Transhumanists who Want to Live Forever.”

So in the weird world, perhaps it’s those of us who ask the weird questions, who will end up with the survival advantage.

My nemesis (oh, sorry: “Doppelganger”) Naomi Klein, mocks my willingness to ask any question, including questions that would have been outlandish in the “before times.”

I feel sorry for her, though. We are in outlandish times now.

By my being open to the weird possibility that Pharma was really sterilizing and murdering us, as opposed to her stance of “trusting the science” and accepting the assurances of government mouthpieces, my loved ones and I are better off now, than we would have been if I had not earlier asked weird and then-unthinkable questions about the pharma industry.

“Preppers” are routinely mocked by legacy media. Isn’t that interesting? Why would being prepared for disaster, be ludicrous? Only if you want people scared, helpless and vulnerable in an emergency.

By our family’s being open to noticing weird new realities such as the attacks on our food processing plants, we now have six months’ supply of food, a water source, and ammunition in the event of a mass crisis.

I notice changes in the sky, and am mocked by armies of bots and trolls (no doubt paid by those intent on confirmed geoengineering and its sub-speciality, “solar radiation management.”) Tin foil hat alert! But we are living in a weird world now, in which disclosed and classified technologies of all kind that would have seemed like pure science fiction five years ago, really do exist.

It used to be seen as positive in American culture, for people to be aware and self-reliant. It was seen as an advantage for our hardy forebears, out on the prairie, or on the ocean in fishing boats, or on the farm, to notice changes in their environment that could mean illness or health to them and their loved ones, death or life.

Now, you are a lunatic if you notice changes in your environment that may be new, that have not yet been blessed by The New York Times’ “Opinion” or “Science” pages.

Sadly, the reality is that now those who refuse to ask questions outside the narrow boundaries of legacy media’s permission-slip areas, are at the greatest risk of not making it in good condition, to whatever our fast-shifting world will eventually look like.

Those of us who are humbling ourselves to ask, without ego, the most far-fetched spiritual, technical and metaphysical questions – -”Survival of the Weirdest,” as you might say, if not Survival of the Humblest – may be the ones best to endure these times, and best positioned to help others survive them.


Classical Apocalyptic symbols and events these days seem rife. It is hard to ignore them.

Is it okay for intellectuals to notice this?

The Red Heifer, identified as a symbol of purification by YHWH in Numbers 19, has been identified by Jewish and Christian Messianic activists in Texas. A perfect Red Heifer has been transported to Israel, and awaits its fate. To many, this is a sign that the time to rebuild the Temple has arrived.

Things are, in short, getting very symbolic and very spooky.

Day by day they get spookier.

A friend told me that serious astrologers explain that the earth is being bombarded by a massive amount of new energies. “You aren’t imagining it,” she said. From where? I asked.

“From the universe”, she shrugged.

I believe it. I feel, everyone sensible and sensitive feels, on edge — estranged, in a sense, from what had for so long been our solid, stolid planetary home.

My friend explained that we are in a time astrologically when our institutions are collapsing, one by one, to be replaced and rebuilt by 2026.

Cool, I thought — obviously we are seeing this collapse in every direction, in ways that are beyond, as I have often now said publicly, the achievements of normal human history.

But also, Yikes.

Will we survive it? Will the changes be good? “For those who embrace the renewal of the world, yes,” she explained.

I was only slightly comforted.

I’ve been reading, as you know, the Geneva Bible, and alongside it, the Bible in Hebrew. For sure, according to these texts, there are cataclysms when humanity wanders astray from the clearly stated, and indeed quite reasonable and simple, will of God; when humanity deviates from what are explained without ambiguity in those texts, as being the moral laws of the universe.

Humanity’s errant behavior causes, in the Hebrew Bible, natural catastrophes such as the Flood, and such events as the plagues of Egypt, ranging as they did from frogs to locusts to the deaths of the Firstborn.

Human behavior caused the destruction of cities, such as Sodom and Gomorrah. Sulphur and fire rained down upon those sinful cities.

By the same token, humanity’s behavior — when it is moral — in the Hebrew Bible, causes the world to be in balance; even causes the natural world to be in harmony.

The morality of humanity, when it is intact, causes the rain to come in season, and the land to flow with milk and honey. When humanity remembers to observe the Commandments and to “love the Lord your God”, then people may enjoy the “mountains and valleys that drink […] rain from heaven” and a land “flowing with milk and honey”:

“8 Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, and so that you may live long in the land the Lord swore to your ancestors to give to them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey. 10 The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden. 11 But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. 12 It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.”

Humanity’s perverse behavior, in the Hebrew Bible, causes real political catastrophes as well, such as the Babylonian Exile and the Fall of the Second Temple and the dispersal of the “Chosen People” all over the world.

The first of those catastrophes was foretold by Hebrew Prophets, and then the last catastrophes were predicted by a belated prophet/Rabbi who appeared during the Roman occupation of Palestine, a man named Yeshua:

“And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

He was literally correct. To this day, when you go to the Western Wall of the Temple — all that remains after the destruction of the Temple by Titus in 70 CE, after the Jews had lost the Jewish-Roman war — you can see still that the mighty stones were pulled down by the conquerors, thoroughly to demoralize the vanquished people.

So — as you all know I ask from time to time — and ask again, now that the sky is visibly darkening again for the second time today — – is our weird time getting so inexplicably, unnaturally weird that we need to humble ourselves, and go back to the most basic moral questions, just to survive?

Are these perturbations and crises globally due perhaps in part or entirely, to our own often-disgusting behavior?

Is it up to us to stabilize and even bless our world, by behaving in a less selfish, less self-worshipping manner?

Every “primitive” culture has a version of the above idea: the notion that human dysregulation and perversity can affect physical reality, and even throw off balance the natural world.

Could that be happening now? In spite of our post-enlightenment certainty that our moral behavior has no effect whatsoever on a mechanistic universe?

The perversity of our “overlords” is now in plain sight. I speculated a year or so ago on the plethora of Satanic and even pagan and pre-monotheistic idol-worshipping images I was seeing then everywhere in pop culture.

Well, Satan is on full display now, far more so than the Prince of Darkness was even a year previously.

Here is pop star Doja Cat, whose latest hit, “Paint the Town Red” includes the comment, “I’m a demon, Lord.”


So is pedophilia.


So is human trafficking. So is genocide. So are Baal, and Moloch.

There actually was a Baphomet statue in the Iowa Capital.

So are ritualistic warnings on all sides. Here was Madonna at Eurovision in 2019, warning in her song “Future”, with a giant skull image behind her set in deep red light, that “Not everyone is coming to the future:”

“Not everyone is coming to the future (no)
Not everyone is coming from the past (past)
Not everyone can come into the future (to the future, no)
Not everyone that’s here is gonna last (gonna last, last)”

And what of the Hadron collider at ”the God-particle-renowned CERN,” which is firing up today? Why not fully mess with the protons that God created for this planet and for humanity?

And what of NASA’s hubris, as it launches multiple rockets at the same time as the eclipse?

Why not blasphemously tamper with everything in Creation?

What could possibly go wrong?


I’ve been sent a collection of Hopi prophecies, courtesy of a reader. Some of them seem well aligned with this moment. They sound a lot like the Apocalypse in Revelation.

Many Hopi prophecies center on warning that the end of one world is imminent, and that another world, or age, is painfully being born:

“The Hopi tell us that this story has repeated itself many times for as far back as human memory reaches, and they have predicted where we will end up if we don’t change course immediately. As Thomas Banyacya relates in these two timely talks from 1995, referring to a petroglyph on a rock near his home: Three previous human worlds were destroyed when people became greedy, worshiped technology as a god, fought and hurt each other, and repeatedly forgot the ethical teachings they’d been given to honor the Earth as the source of life and sustenance. Three apocalypses inevitably ensued—first by fire, then by ice, then a flood. Noah’s Ark floated through one book’s collective memory to escape a similar greed-ending catastrophe. The future is visible in the now.

The question confronting creative, thoughtful people today is: How are we going to emerge on the other side of this earth-changing moment?”

Some of the Hopi elders brought the Hopi prophecies to the UN in 1992. The warnings they gave are so specific, and so germane to our times, I reproduce excerpts here.

This is from “A Conversation with Hopi Elder Martin Gashweseoma and Emery Holmes”, by Jurgen Kremer [JK], “Hopi Prophecies The Way of Balance Is an Individual Responsibility”, 2000:

Martin Gashweseoma [MG]: “The world has been tied up and controlled in the two-hearted way and needs to be opened. After the purification everybody will have more freedom. Only a handful of people will be left at that point. They will come to the Hopi from every nation; that is our prophecy. Different peoples will come together in a good way. Then we all can intermarry, but not now, not f before the purification. There is too much confusion. You see, the way we are moving along is wrong: We still need to be purified.

JK: Would you tell us more about the process of purification?

MG: The three two-hearted people have more power than the one-hearted person. They always use black magic. They prey on human life and consume the lifeforce of others. This is why they are saying they are on the right path. But at judgment day they will perish and the one-hearted person will survive. You see, this one-hearted person has become involved with the two-hearted people. They argue with each other. During these times it is entirely up to the individual; it is a personal decision how to walk during the time of purification. Before we tried to tell people what to do, but we no longer do that. Everybody has to make up his own mind. Each person has to choose his or her path. If the wrong path is chosen, then it is the problem of the individual; or maybe he makes the right choice. This is what this argument is about: The one-hearted person tries to make up his mind—he is struggling.

JK: People should not look toward leaders but examine themselves and take responsibility, and they should not look toward others to tell them how to do things?

MG: Yes. This struggling one-hearted person, when he realizes that he has been on the wrong path, moves onto the humble road. The choice is between rich and humble, between evil and not evil. There are many roads, and people will fail and they won’t survive. On judgment day, the last day, nutungk talongvaka, the one walking on the right path will find the right answers. This examination comes from the Great Spirit, Masa’aw. He will destroy the human life that went wrong. The Creator will get rid of those. His helpers do the job for him. They will make another bomb or use the atomic bomb, and they could destroy the world.

When the one-hearted people face the Creator they will remember their original instructions, they will remember the good way, so their answers will be good. They will pass and survive the purification, unless they have done harm to others. If you are one-hearted inside, but you have followed the path of the two-hearted, then you are wrong. You will not be accepted with the ones who are walking the path of balance. These people will plead; they will want to walk with the people on the one-hearted path.

The two-hearted path is a fool’s way of seeing things. It is deceptive; it is a straight path on a clean and flat surface. The other path is hard, small, and narrow. If you have never done harm to anything, then you can walk it after the purification–the way is clear for you.


JK: The words “judgment” and “purification” sound Christian. It reminds me of the way the millennium is talked about in the Bible.

MG: The meaning is essentially the same as described in the Bible. Judgment and purification they mean the same in Hopi. The word koyanisqatsi refers to the crazy life–life out of balance. This is where we are now. And powaq-qatsi refers to somebody living in the dark world and using black magic. Koyanisqatsi and powaq-qatsi mean the same thing, that is, when somebody is trying to make others walk the two-hearted path and uses magical means. Powaqa is an evildoer, a sorcerer or sorceress. They are two-hearted because they extract a person’s heart to prolong their lives. Qatsi means life. Powaq-qatsi is a way of life that consumes the lifeforces of other beings in order to further its own life.” […]

“JK: From these signs you can tell that the time of purification is approaching. Are there other signs?

MG: Too many. So many people have been out of balance, and they don’t change; they will always be out of balance. They are headed for disaster and will not survive. If they really care for their lives, they will have to change. These days there is much more opportunity for people to know something. There will be disasters and martial law. They will have to begin praying.

Nothing has happened yet. But things will be the way it is described in the Bible. The story of the prophecy is almost the same. The people of the Bible have gone their own way, but they are still on the path predicted by the Hopi prophecies.

JK: Are you saying that the original teachings of Jesus are similar to the teachings you carry?

EH: What we are saying is that there are similarities because the Bible originated from the Hopi prophecy. That is the source of the original prophecy. The Bible has excerpted some of the Hopi knowledge; it talks about essentially the same thing. So, maybe the one brother who wandered off was originally connected with Jesus. Later they lost their path and became two-hearted. If these people find their balance again, that is the return. Many people say it will be a white Jesus, but they don’t know for sure. It could be a person dressed in white.

We are waiting.”

One section of the Hopi prophecies describes a time when there will be “shadow children” and “shadow people” walking among humanity.

That certainly seems to describe our last three or four years, the years of the Great Killing and the Great Disabling.

How can they do this to us? We ask. Are they not human?

But perhaps indeed, as the Hopi predicted, Shadow People now actually walk among us.

I posted my musings about the Hopi prophecies on Twitter. I also wondered, per the Hopi prophecies’ descriptions of a time toward the end when “shadow people” will live and move among humans, if indeed there are not multiple dimensions on Earth now, or at least a thinning of veils dimensionally, such that multiple kinds of beings, good and recognizably human beings, but also spiritually not-familiar-to-us and maybe even malevolent entities who look and seem otherwise quite human, or who have seduced or somehow infiltrated humans, devastating their souls and replacing their empathy with evil, are all inhabiting our earth at once, causing conflict and division.

Most of us could make a list right now, of the “one-hearted” and the “two-hearted” people in their personal lives, and in public life.

This situation — a clash between the “one-hearted” and the “two-hearted” — is just what the Hopi seem to describe will happen in the dying days of this current world.

Things certainly feel strange enough these days to ask such kinds of questions, and it does seem, with a substantial elite of what we had thought were members of humanity, showing themselves willing without shame or trepidation to murder and enslave the rest of humanity, that there may indeed be, like that famous bar scene in Star Wars, beings walking around and even leading agencies and nations, who look and sound perfectly human, but whose souls have somehow been altered or reworked to align with “shadow” energy and “shadow beings”, not familiar to us previously.

A former Australian Broadcasting Company operative wrote in response to my post, something like, “What happened to Naomi Wolf?”

My reply basically pointed out that legacy media refuses to ask profound questions of this very strange time, and so as a result, it is collapsing among other institutions. People no longer believe that its field of questioning has integrity or courage, or is relevant.

“If legacy media knew everything, it would not be dying,” I may have crudely put it.

Nothing makes sense now, but if we see that a world is dying and a new world is being born — then everything makes sense.

If we are open to the possibility that the Hopi were right — and that a purification, and division of the tribes, may be underway — then everything makes sense.


Some familiar parables, indeed, don’t make sense til they make sense.

Rabbi Yeshua, for instance, warned us:

21 No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse.

22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.” [Mark 2:22 KJV]

So the new — the very strangely, painfully new — may be, perforce, upon us, for good and evil; for blessing and for agonizing purification —

In spite of what we wish, or prefer, or even recognize, ourselves.

The post “Survival of the Weirdest” appeared first on DailyClout.