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We produce credible, nuanced, timely policy research and analysis on critical issues pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israeli politics, U.S.- ...
10 дек. 2015 г. · Форум туристов о Израиле ... В настоящее время рекомендуется избегать любых поездок в некоторые части этого региона без крайней необходимости.
The Israel Forum was started in 2009 to highlight support for the State of Israel. Over the years we have had programs and speakers related to the events in ...
We develop educational programs geared towards community leaders and policymakers invested in Israel and engage those who have become disaffected by the nature ...
The University will host a series of campus events on Israel-Palestine, addressing issues including the multiple narratives at play in the region.
The Insight Israel Forum (IIF) provides opportunities for Jewish Baltimore to enhance its knowledge, understanding and relationship to Israel.
Credible and constructive policy analysis and educational resources on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israeli politics, U.S.-Israel relations, and more.
We envision a secure, Jewish, and democratic Israel. IPF Atid is Israel Policy Forum's young professionals community. linkin.bio/israelpolicyforum.
The Israel Policy Forum is an American Jewish organization that works for a negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict through ...
Israel Policy Forum. 19856 likes · 7 talking about this. For a secure, Jewish, democratic Israel. Our mission is to shape the discourse and mobilize ...